Sunday, October 21, 2007

How to get organized, but not really.

This is how you start your year off on the wrong foot. And with an awesome accent, too.


Jim said...

I'm guessing the entire thing is in Italian and not just the faux leather. Y'know, this doesn't have to be a setback, it could be a challenge. Now you have to learn Italian.

-al said...

Quello è un buon punto, Jim. Ho sempre ho desiderato imparare la lingua italiana nobile. Ho preso un semestre e una metà dello Spagnolo in High School, in modo da dovrei prendere l'italiano, nessun problema.

Margaret said...

I'm guessing he just said it's a problem because he learned Spanish in High School, not Italian.

Here's a thought, buy a planner in English. :)

-al said...

It's not all in Italian, just something i found funny at borders.