Sunday, July 1, 2007

Totally just moved in with my girlfriend this weekend.
Things went as well as could be planned. Had to go 80+ miles out of our way to pick up the U-Haul, rained all weekend, yet still maintained an approximately 237% humidity level.
But, everything is moved in. And I'm happy, and so is she. So that's what counts.
Gotta go. I'm not supposed to be using the computer.


Jim said...

When I first saw this I thought it was my wife's blog and I was perplexed as to how she had moved in with her girlfriend and I didn't know about it.

And I can relate to the U-Haul woes. When I moved from Whirberg to Columnbia they made me drive out to Kawnsas City to get my truck. And I tried to argue with them, but I didn't get anywhere. Glad you're both happy.

Heather K said...

Well congratulations. Have some nookie in my honor.

Yeah, I totally typed that just to freak you out.