Monday, March 26, 2007

Is there no such thing as Theater Etiquette anymore?
I just went to see 300, which is a good, not great movie, and was, as far as I could tell, one of three people in a sold out theater who
A) remained seated for the entire movie;
B) was able to refrain from speaking to my neighbor (either in the next seat or over the cellphone);
C) managed not to continually kick the seat in front of me.

One guy even got up and left during the opening credits. He had been sitting there for the duration of the previews, but was compelled to get up out of his seat, walk across the entire row, and leave to do who knows what, then come back five minutes later.

It was as if no one in the theater thought for one moment that there were another fifty or so people who had paid $8 each to see a movie, and might want to enjoy the experience.

I imagine DVD's, DVR/TiVo and the Internet Videos are to blame for this. Now the viewer is in control of the media. They decide when and where to watch. And when they go out to the movies, they think that they are still in control.

It's just plain rude.

1 comment:

Jim said...

I totally know what you're talking about. I went to see a movie this past weekend for the first time in a long time and it cost $16 for me and the wife. That was bad enough. Then, when we get into the theatre, there's a narrator behind us and two kids wrestling beside us. It just wasn't worth it.