Saturday, November 18, 2006

I'm Sure Their Parents Are Proud

'Crazy Bitch.' This song has been, for most of this year, a party anthem for all the women in the club. Choose your club, gentleman's or otherwise, and you'll likely hear the Buck Cherry caterwauling away about a girl who, though crazy, is good for humping. And for Mr. Cherry, that's enough to keep the 'Crazy Bitch' around.
The song is, without a doubt, catchy. It facilitates dancing, employs a simple, driving rhythm, and demeans women, all at once. I understand this part of the song.
What I do not understand, is the spell that this song seemingly casts over every girl in the club. I watch (from the comfort of a barstool, as I rarely venture out onto the dance floor myself) as the periphery of the dance floor vacates during the opening riff of the song, and recognition dawns on most every girl in the place. They drop what they are doing, called by their new anthem, and pull the nearest girl out onto the dance floor with them, where they proceed to gyrate and grind on all of the other 'Crazy Bitches' on the dance floor. "Attention all guys: This song perfectly describes me. I'll hump you eight ways till Sunday, then boil your rabbit. See, I'm Craaaaaazzyy!"
I have never heard a song that I related to as much as these women seem to with 'Crazy Bitch.' I certainly would not want to relate to a song that reduced me to a sexual toy, good for nothing else. When the song 'Alcoholic Douchebag' comes out next summer, you can bet that I won't be the one dragging my guy friends out onto the dance floor to flail about while proclaiming to every patron of whatever bar, that we are proud to be 'Alcoholic Douchebags.'

I first noticed this phenomenon earlier this summer. I thought it would be a passing craze, even in today's Hyper-ADD world, where fads last only slightly longer than a Brittney Spears marriage. But here it is, the year is almost over, dozens of new party songs have been released, all equally catchy, all equally dance-able. But 'Crazy Bitch' has more staying power than I gave her credit. I under estimated the power of the song. Or maybe I over estimated today's young woman. Most of the women I encounter who find themselves under 'Crazy Bitch's' spell are in college, ostensibly earning a degree to help them better their life. They are, arguably, in the best place to elevate themselves from sex object to someone of substance. Yet they will still be found, every ladies night, drinking $.50 rum and diet cola's and showing the world that they are nothing more than a sex object. And a crazy one at that.


Heather K said...

Why are you negative Al? Just wondering. I am also pleased that I have no idea what this song sounds like.

swilliams said...

Al, let me know when "lazy jackass" hits the club scene. Everytime I hear that song, I grab my Natural Ice beer and hit the recliner.