Thursday, March 1, 2007

I'm 13, again

So one of the hospitals in town is named Cox Health South. And Cox Health South loves to air commercials extolling the good deeds of their medical staff. Dr. Smith coaches a t-ball team in his spare time. Dr. Jones spends her summers vaccinating impoverished children in Africa. Good ol' fashioned public relations.
Well, tonight, I caught one of their commercials applauding the efforts of one Dr. Patricia Dicks, one of Cox's Finest.
And I realized that I'm still a mid-pubescent boy when it comes to dick jokes.

Also, just watched stranger than fiction. Loved it.

Also, checked on the status of my tax refund, found this:

Refund Status Results

We found mistakes on your tax return which caused us to change the amount of your refund.

The balance of your refund, $665.44, will be mailed on March 9, 2007. You will receive a notice dated March 12, 2007 that explains in more detail the changes made to your tax return. For more information, please continue.

Which is great, because I was expecting $657. Also, I'm pretty certain I did not make a mistake. Never did cents enter into any calculations I performed while computing my refund amount. But now the $.44 has crept into the return. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the extra money. I've got big plans for the $8.44. Big Plans.
Also, I like the IRS' policy of giving a person their tax refund before they send out the letter that they 'Made a Mistake,' to soften the blow that they were mistaken. That's a good policy.


Jim said...

What does she do, though? Does she serve hot dogs on the weekend for charity? Does she specialize in snake balloon animals for carnivals? Free prostate exams for the homeless?

-al said...

i have no idea what she does, as i was laughing too hard to hear the rest of the commercial.
you would think the largest hospital in the third largest town in the 17th largest state in the third most populous country on the third planet from the sun would employ someone to make sure that they never publicized the fact that they had someone named patricia dicks working at cox health south.

Jim said...

Unless they're all 13 year-olds; then they're too busy laughing.